Don’t Flip Out! Earth’s The Real Chick Magnet


To begin with, some background is necessary. The Earth has a magnetic field surrounding it, which enables our planet to deflect cosmic rays and incoming particles. This in turn protects our atmosphere and allows us to maintain it at a stable temperature and pressure. In essence, it is essential for the maintenance of most life on Earth. This magnetic field is created by the convection circles and fluidity of the Earth’s mantle and core, which due to its large quantity of heavy metals, creates an electromagnetic “wall.”

Research has shown that the Earth’s magnetic field is a bit more complex than some magical forcefield, however. It seems it has two parts: one, the axial dipole, which is the traditionally depicted field that stems from the magnetic poles and loops around the planet. It is created throughout the mantle and the core. But the second part is a much weaker field around our planet, created by the outer layer of the outer core. It seems this smaller, unpolarized (non-directional) field is what emerges when the magnetic poles flip. (LiveScience)

Strange Sounds

(Pole flipping: what you mean? Well, we’re not entirely sure why it happens. The primary theory is that the “storms” of fluid within the planet are sometimes enough to cause a flip in the polarity of the Earth’s magnetic field. This makes the magnetic north turn south, and vice versa)

We as a planet are due for another flip in the magnetic field, and it seems as if one is coming. There have been increasing disruptions around the poles. However, there will likely be minimal damage due to it. (There is some possibility of damage due to more exposure to cosmic rays.) In fact, some scientists are excited to observe this event, as it will allow the more precise observation of the secondary field that is usually overpowered by the axial dipole. Do not fret about the animals; evolution of animals has lived through a number of these flips, and natural selection likely selected for species not overly affected by them. (Discover)

The magnetic field is extraordinarily interesting, and it is not entirely understood. It is still an area of active research, and could better help us to see possibility of life supporting planets in other planetary systems in the Milky Way.







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